Harmony Cinema 'For Sama' Screenings

Why Do We Do It?

Disinformation and discriminatory approaches towards immigrants and refugees have been increasing in Türkiye lately. We believe that connecting people with facts is one of the most effective methods of reducing this problem. The screening of the documentary 'For Sama', which reveals what has happened in the Syrian city of Aleppo since 2011, enables people to see and perceive what has happened in a better way.

For this purpose, we organize documentary screenings with the title of 'Harmony Cinema',open to the participation of everyone, in order to meet the For Sama documentary with as many people as possible.

The Story of the Documentary

The documentary For Sama shows us the war through a woman's eyes.

Waad Al-Kateab has been witnessing the beginning of the rebellion, war and siege in the Syrian City of Aleppo for 5 years. In this process, she falls in love, gives birth to her daughter Sama, and has a real struggle in the field hospital they have established in her beloved city of Aleppo.

The director tells everything she experienced to his daughter Sama, and to us, with the documentary she created from more than 300 hours of footage she shot over five years.

For Sama Belgeselinin Fragmanı

From the BAFTA Awards Ceremony
More than 100 Awards
Since its release in 2019, For Sama has won more than 100 awards at 56 festivals. It was nominated in 4 categories at BAFTA, one of the most prestigious awards in England, and won the Best Documentary Award. The documentary also received an Oscar nomination.

Waad Al-Kateab, who attended the BAFTA award ceremony with his daughter Sama, made a speech drawing attention to the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Many famous names from the cinema world, such as Robert De Niro, Margot Robbie and Joaquin Phoenix, who were among the audience at the ceremony, applauded the award in a standing ovation.

100'den Fazla Ödül
Yayınlandığı 2019 yılından beri For Sama belgeseli 56 festivalde 100'den fazla ödül kazandı. İngiltere'nin en prestijli ödüllerinden BAFTA'da 4 dalda aday gösterildi ve En İyi Belgesel Ödülü'nün sahibi oldu. Belgeselin aynı zamanda Oscar Adaylığı da bulunuyor.

BAFTA ödül törenine kızı Sama ile beraber katılan Waad Al-Kateab Suriye'deki insani krize dikkat çeken bir konuşma yaptı. Törende izleyiciler arasında bulunan sinema dünyasının tanınmış simalarından Robert De Niro, Margot Robbie ve Joaquin Phoenix gibi pek çok ünlü isim ödülü ayakta alkışladı.

BAFTA Ödül Töreninden

Open to Public Displays
Screenings in Universities
What Did the Audience Say?
    • I was trying to support the Syrians' struggle from the very beginning. But I didn't think this movie was this impressive. I'm ready to do anything for them.
  • I am disgusted with humanity. I felt with all my heart that no one should experience this pain and that no one has the right to do so.
  • Until now, I was extremely sensitive about Syrians. This movie developed incredible empathy. It is the first day of my new life.
  • This is our country. We're sorry if we made you feel bad. I wish we could understand them without you having to tell them.
Post-Screening Interviews
We conducted interviews with the participants before and after the screening and asked them what they knew about the Syrian crisis and their thoughts on the documentary.
Post-Screening Survey Results
“Syrians fled instead of defending their country”
In the survey, the audience's agreement with this statement decreased by 40% .

“Türkiye should never have accepted Syrians.”
In the survey, the audience's agreement with this statement decreased by 25% .

“Syrians should be sent back to their country.”
In the survey, the audience's agreement with this statement decreased by 35% .
'For Sama' Changes Misperceptions
The documentary 'For Sama' contains 4 main ideas to change the misconceptions about Syrian refugees and immigrants in society.
  • Syrians Fought for Their Homeland
    The biggest criticism and misinformation about Syrian refugees is the claim that they left their country without a fight. However, this is completely wrong. The documentary 'For Sama' reveals that Syrians are fighting until the last moment at the expense of their own and their children's lives.
  • Clarifying the Facts of the Syria Crisis
    Due to the lack of information in the society and the false news in the media, many people in Türkiye find it difficult to understand the true extent of the crisis in Syria. After this documentary, the audience can realize what the Syrian crisis has been through and can perceive how much people have been affected physically and psychologically by this crisis better.
  • Syrians Didn't Want to Leave Their Country
    Alongside the reality of war, the documentary reveals that people do not want to leave their country. Some of the common perceptions in Türkiye are that it is an arbitrary situation for the Syrian people to leave their country. This documentary points out that many have to leave their country in a life-or-death situation.
  • Documentary Makes War Crimes Visible
    The documentary 'For Sama' is one of the most important pieces of evidence of war crimes. Bombings of hospitals and attacks on civilians are clearly revealed in the film. That's why the documentary is one of the effective proofs of war crimes.