Suriye Workshops

In order to analyze the Syrian crisis and its consequences better, we deal with the historical and sociological change in the neighbor from past to present.

In the Syria Workshops series that will last for 4 weeks, we will discuss the issues of:
▫️ History of Syria
▫️ Why Did the Syria Crisis Arise?
▫️ Syria Sociology

In the 4th week, we will listen to the testimonies of people who witnessed this crisis.
Workshop Programı
29 November
29 November
History of Syria | Taha Kılınç
21.00 Zoom Meeting
6 December
6 December
Why Did a Crisis Arise in Syria?
| Taha Kılınç
21.00 Zoom Meeting
17 December
17 December
Syria Sociology | Bekir Atacan
21.00 Zoom Meeting
24 December
24 December

Human Stories | Cumana Habra

21.00 Zoom Meeting
You can join our workshop by filling out the application form.