Harmony Immigration Debates
Debate Events
Harmony Immigration Debates are debate sessions interpreted by academics working in the field, in which university students compete in order to produce anti-discrimination arguments, criticize existing false arguments and replace them with true ones.

The first of the program was held on 20 June 2022 at Bağlarbaşı Cultural Center with the participation of 400 people, and the second on 19 August 2022 at Üsküdar Youth Center with the participation of 300 people.
Debate Training
The Harmony Debate Training Program is an 8-week training program that brings together immigration and debate. Persons who are enrolled or graduated from undergraduate and higher programs between the ages of 18-30 are accepted to the program, and besides the 2 hours of training each week, practice matches are held with experienced debaters. The trainings are given by academicians and debaters who are experts in their fields.
6 July - 24 August