Social Harmony Lab

International Program for Social Cohesion
and Migration

03 December 2022 - 11 February 2023

Social Harmony Lab
International Program for Social Cohesion and Migration

03 December 2022 - 11 February 2023

About Harmony

Harmony is a non-governmental initiative that develops projects for people with different cultural identities to live together in harmony. In the Harmony Project, we prepare projects and training programs in the fields of education, advocacy, culture, arts and media in order to prevent polarization in Türkiye and increase social harmony by reducing discrimination.

Why Social Harmony Lab?

According to the 2019 Hate Speech Report*, 5515 hate speeches directed at 80 different groups were in the media in one year in Türkiye. Different reports and academic studies also confirm that hate speech and discrimination against immigrants, refugees, international nationals and different ethnic groups in politics and social life are increasing day by day. At this point, civil society has a great responsibility as well as what the state must do to combat discrimination.

This year, we are organizing the third Social Harmony Lab training program for young people who want to work in this field in order to increase knowledge and awareness on discrimination, migration and integration, to discuss and produce together. In the programs we carried out in two different periods before, 90 participants graduated from Social Harmony Lab, a total of 132 hours of training were given and 12 projects were written.

*Hate Speech and Discriminatory Discourse in the Media 2019 Report, Hrant Dink Foundation

Program Details:

60 people from different ethnicities, aged 18-30, enrolled in undergraduate and above programs of higher education institutions will be accepted to the Social Harmony Lab program.

Participants will take courses from expert civil society managers and academics on the History of Migration in the World and in Türkiye, Immigration Status in Our Country, Human Rights, Combating Racism, Discrimination and Hate Speech, Multicultural Life, Activism, and will participate in workshops. The language of the program will be Turkish and English.

Our participants who successfully complete the training program will be given internship opportunities through Harmony and contracted institutions.
Head of IGAM

Panel: Perceptions, Facts and Truths

Academician | Istanbul University

Activist & Director

Media Activism:
The Story of a Documentary
Harmony Director & OkulDışı Founder

Argumentation Workshop
Academician | Bilgi University

Multicultural Education: Social Cohesion and Inclusion in Education
Human Rights Activist & Lawyer

Panel: Immigrant Status and Temporary Protection Regulation in Türkiye
BAYETAV Board Member

Sociology of Türkiye - Racism, Discrimination, Hate Speech
Research Writer

Syria Before the War
AA Discrimination Line Editor

Academician | Medipol University

Common Mistakes About Immigrants
Refugee Association Board Member

Panel: Social Cohesion or Integration? - Civil Society Studies
Academician | Bilgi University

Social Cohesion or Integration? - Government Policies
Activist & Doctor

An Activist Doctor in the Syrian War

Asylum Seekers: Social Acceptance, Belonging and Identity Construction

Academician | University of Southern California

Syrian Revolution
Academician | Anadolu University

Panel: Alamancı or Turkish? 3 Generation Turks in Germany
Academician | Bilgi University

Panel: Migrant Status in Türkiye and Temporary Protection Regulation
Academician | Ibn Haldun University

Humanitarian Crises and Global Civil Society
Human Rights Activist

Rights-Based Movements

Panel: Immigrant Status and Temporary Protection Regulation in Türkiye
Actress & Theater Instructor

Who Am I? Story Sharing with Drama

60 years of migration from Türkiye to Germany and DiasporaTürk's work
Conflictus Co-Founder

Conflict - Causes of Conflict, Analysis and Resolution Methods

Theater Külliyen General Coordinator

Storytelling Workshop
Researcher | Omran Strategic Studies Center

Current Situation in Syria: Social Life, So-Called Amnesty and Security
Academician | Boğaziçi University

Modern Nation-State, Classes and Cultural Identities

Social Media Campaign Creation Workshop
Al Sharq, Director of Strategic Research

Middle East and Revolutionary Movements
Academician | Galatasaray University

Social Cohesion in Social Life
Chairman of UMHD

Panel: Social Cohesion or Integration? - Civil Society Studies

Panel: Immigrant Status and Temporary Protection Regulation in Türkiye
President of Bülbülzade Foundation

Panel: Social Cohesion or Integration? Civil Society Studies
Educational Program
3 December - 11 February

Week 1

Week 1

3 December - Saturday
  • History of Homo Migrans: Migration in the World and in Türkiye
  • Social and Psychological Problems Experienced by Refugees: Social Acceptance, Belonging and Identity Construction
  • Panel: Alamancı or Turkish? 3 Generations of Turks in Germany
Week 2

Week 2

7 December - Wednesday
10 December - Saturday

  • Racism, Discrimination, Hate Speech
  • Middle East and Revolutionary Movements
  • Panel: Immigrant Status and Temporary Protection Regulation in Türkiye
Week 3

Week 3

14 December - Wednesday
17 December - Saturday
  • Common Mistakes About Immigrants
  • Modern Nation State, Classes and Cultural Identities
  • Media activism: The Story of a Documentary
  • An Activist Doctor in the Syrian War
Week 4
Week 4
21 December - Wednesday
24 December - Saturday
  • Common Mistakes About Immigrants
  • Multicultural Education: Social Cohesion and Inclusion in Education
  • Rights Based Movements
  • Syria Before the War
Week 5
Week 5
11 January - Wednesday
14 January - Saturday

  • Conflict: Causes of Conflict, Analysis and Resolution Methods
  • Conflict Resolution Workshop
  • Social Cohesion or Integration? - Government Policies
Week 6
Week 6
18 January - Wednesday
21 January - Saturday

  • Syrian Revolution
  • Advocacy
  • Argumentation Workshop
  • Social Harmony in Social Life
Week 7
Week 7
25 January - Wednesday
28 January - Saturday
  • Current Situation in Syria: Social Life, So-Called Amnesty and Security
  • Social Media Campaign Creating Workshop
  • Storytelling Workshop
Week 8
Week 8
1 February - Wednesday
4 February - Saturday
  • 60 Years of Migration from Türkiye to Germany and DiasporaTürk's Studies
  • Discrimination Line
  • Humanitarian Crises and Global Civil Society
Week 9
Week 9
8 February - Wednesday
11 February - Saturday

  • Panel: Social Cohesion or Integration? - Civil Society Studies
  • We Learn from Each Other Workshop
  • Panel: Perceptions, Facts and Truths
The face-to-face trainings of our program will take place at Taksim Mosque Culture and Art Center .
What Did We Do in Social Harmony Lab I and II?
  • 31

  • 77

  • 55

The capacity is limited to 60 people.